⏺اختار الاجابه الصحيحه:

Can I try (out – on) this jacket? I really like it.

🌀ايه الفرق؟

🔘Try on:

نستخدم try on مع الملابس. لما نحب نتاكد اذا كان المقاس مناسب او لا.

We put on clothes in a shop to see if they fit us = try on.

مثال تانى:

I’ll need to try these jeans on before buying them.

🔘Try out:

لكن try out

بنستخدمها لما نتكلم عن حاجه محتاجين نجربها علشان نحدد اذا كانت مناسبه/فعاله.

If you try out sth, you test it in order to find out how effective or useful it is.

The company might try out the new system this month.

💢ايه اجابه السؤال؟

Can I try (out – on) this jacket? I really like it.

اترك تعليقاً

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