1️⃣ Run, Touch and Say
Resources: letter flashcards
Place letter flashcards on the wall/ board. Children stand in a line. The teacher says the letter sound, and the child at the front of the line runs to the wall, touches the correct letter and says the sound. Alternatively, this can be done with children standing in two lines and racing each other to the wall to touch and say the letter sound.
2️⃣ Swat the letter
Resources: letter flashcards, fly swats or long paper rolls, one for every 2-3 children.
Children sit in a circle. Place 2-4 letter flashcards in the centre of the circle. Say a letter sound. Children use the fly swat/ long paper roll to hit the correct letter, then pass it to another child.
3️⃣ I spy
Resources: Letter flashcards, pictures of objects/ things beginning with the sound on the card (e.g. apple for /a/, banana for /b/,etc)
Place the pictures face up on the floor in a line. Say I spy with my little eye something beginning with /b/ Children say the word (banana). Alternatively, it can be played without the pictures, using objects in the classroom the children know.
4️⃣ Quick Write
Resources: mini whiteboards and pens
Give each child a whiteboard and pen. Say the letter sound and the children write the letter.
5️⃣ Sound bag
Resources: bag, objects beginning with the ‘new’ sound and objects from previous sounds, letter flashcards
Sit the children in a circle and put a letter flashcard card in the middle e.g. /h/. Children pull objects out of the bag and decide if they begin with /h/ or not.
6️⃣ Hoop game
Resources: hula hoops, letter flashcards
Give each child a hoop. Hold up a letter flashcard and either say that letter sound or a different letter sound. If the sound the children hear corresponds to the letter sound on the flashcard they jump in the hoop, if it’s not that sound they stay out the hoop.
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