اختار الاجابه الصحيحه
1- The journey lasted (for – during) three days.
2- There was a rainstorm (for – during) the night.
2- I slept for (for – during) minutes (for – during) the lesson.
1️⃣ الاجابه
The journey lasted for three days.
There was a rainstorm during the night.
I slept for 20 minutes during the lesson.
2️⃣ القاعده:
– بنستخدم مده زمنيه بعد for يعنى for+period وبتوضحلنا الحدث استمر مده قد ايه
العباره for 3 years معاناها “لمدة 3 سنوات”
– لكن during بتعرفنا وقت الحدث
العباره during the night معناها “خلال الليل”
3️⃣ تدريب
Put in for or during.
1 I lived in Mexico …… six years.
2 I got a headache …… the examination.
3 We visited Kyoto ……… our holiday in Japan.
4 The electricity went off …… two hours ……… the afternoon.
5 Alex and his wife met …… the war.
6 Could I talk to you ………… a few minutes?
7 I usually get a lot of phone calls……….. the morning.
8 She and her boyfriend have been together …… a long time.