1️⃣ لما بنستخدم and يُفضل اننا نحذف الاجزاء المكرره.


She sings and she plays the violin.

هنا الفاعل she تكرار .. فنقدر نحذفه

She sings and plays the violin.

مثال 2:

I’ve been to Greece and I’ve been to Turkey.

I’ve been to Greece and Turkey.

2️⃣ تدريب

احذف الكلمات الغير ضروريه وضيف comma لو الجمله تحتاج

1 She has painted the kitchen and she has painted the living room and she has painted the dining room.

2 Bob was wearing a pink shirt and Bob was wearing blue jeans and Bob was wearing white trainers.

3 Can you give me a knife and can you give me a fork and can you give me a spoon, please?

4 Many people speak English in India and many people speak English in Singapore and many people speak

English in South Africa.

5 I’ve written six letters and I’ve posted six letters this morning.

اترك تعليقاً

لن يتم نشر عنوان بريدك الإلكتروني. الحقول الإلزامية مشار إليها بـ *